Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder found some interesting patterns in romantic relationships. Contrary to the idea that opposites attract, their study showed that for around 80% of the traits they examined, couples tended to be quite similar.

These traits included things like political views, education levels, and some aspects of intelligence. So, it seems like people with shared characteristics are more likely to pair up than those with stark differences.

However, it’s not a complete copy-and-paste situation. Some traits, such as height, weight, medical issues, and personality, didn’t always align between partners. In these cases, the idea of opposites attracting did hold to some extent, but the correlations were often weak.

What’s intriguing is that even when we think we’re consciously choosing our partners, there might be subconscious factors at play. Similarities in shared values, beliefs, and hobbies could be driving these patterns.

So, while the notion of opposites attracting isn’t entirely debunked, it’s safe to say that similarities in many aspects of life play a significant role in romantic relationships. Whether it’s common interests, values, or experiences, these shared traits seem to bring people together, even if there are a few differences along the way.